

Tournament Rules

Wayne Waugh Memorial Tournament Rules


 “The tournament committee has the right to re-schedule already scheduled games due to weather or any other un-foreseen circumstances.”  The Hockey Nova Scotia rules for Minor Hockey will govern the conduct and play of all tournament games.  Tournament bylaw rules shall be in addition to Hockey Nova Scotia rules.


1.       Where this is a Memorial Tournament, there is a very low tolerance for unsportsmanlike behavior.  This applies to players, parents, refs, coaches and spectators. Any Coach or Manager who, in the opinion of the Tournament Committee displays poor sportsmanship or a bad example shall be suspended from the tournament. 


2.       Any team that, in the opinion of the Tournament Committee, deliberately loses a game in an effort to exploit the tie breaking formula will be expelled from the tournament and the opposing team will be awarded the game by a score of 5-0.


3.       No Protests will be entertained by the Tournament Committee.  Any discrepancy in reported scores can be disputed to the tournament chairman.  This will be resolved through review of game sheets.


4.       The Tournament Committee will be using GrayJay for the tournament.  Scores will be recorded in real time in GrayJay and will also be maintained on the Official Scoreboard located behind the Meet & Greet Table. 


5.       Each coach and/or manager shall be held responsible for the conduct of his/her team while in the arena, dressing rooms and on the ice. Hockey NS may be present at any point during tournament.


6.       Player of the Game Awards will be chosen by the players own bench staff for each game played.  This is to ensure awards are distributed fairly and to the most deserving player for that particular game.  One member of each bench staff must let the timekeeper know who the chosen recipient is prior to the last 2 minutes of play.  All players (except novice) will be expected to line up on the blue line after fist bumps to accept awards.


7.       Only dressed players, officials and bench staff are allowed in dressing room areas and inside ice rink area on bench side.  Anyone entering the rink from the back parking lot must proceed directly through to the front portion of the building (lobby, stands, etc.) or upstairs to hospitality room. Absolutely NO parents, spectators or undressed players are to be in this area at any time.


8.       For all Tournament games, the coach/manager shall have his/her team in the arena a minimum of twenty minutes prior to scheduled game time.  If the tournament is running ahead of schedule, the starting time of any game maybe advanced a maximum of one half hour at the discretion of the Tournament Committee.


9.       Each team is required to vacate the dressing room a maximum of 10 minutes after their game has ended.


10.    All teams must dress a minimum of ten (10) players, including one (1) goaltender for each tournament game, unless permission to do otherwise has been granted by the Tournament Committee.


11.    Failure to ice a team for any scheduled game for any reason will result in a default by the score of 5-0.


12.    Proof of age for any player participating in the tournament must be available upon request for review and verification by the Tournament Committee.


13.    All teams are guaranteed three games.  This includes a forfeit in the unfortunate event that one occurs.


14.    There will be a three (3) minute warm-up period for each tournament game, as posted on the game clock, immediately following the closure of the Zamboni doors. The ice will only be cleaned after each game.


15.    All Round Robin games will consist of three (3) 10-minute stop time periods.


16.    All Championship Games will be the same as above.  If the game is tied at the end of regulation, tie-breaking rules are listed further in the rules.


17.    The Nova Scotia Minor Hockey Council “Code of Discipline” will be enforced at the Tournament.  All suspensions will be reported to the Nova Scotia Minor Hockey Council Secretary Manager within twenty-four (24) hours of the infraction by the Tournament Chair or his/her designate.  Coaches are responsible to verify length and severity of all suspensions with their Regional Director.  Coaches are responsible to ensure that any suspended player or team official does not participate in the Tournament during the period of his/her suspension.  If a player or team official does participate in any Tournament game while under suspension, their team will forfeit the game by a score of 5-0 and the violating team will be suspended from the Tournament.


18.    No one except our Association President, Vice President or the tournament chairperson shall approach the referees at any time.  If there is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately, contact the tournament chair.  For all other issues or concerns please wait 24 hours and follow the proper HNS procedure.


19.    Tie-breaking formulas, if necessary, to determine participants and placement in Championship games following the Round Robin portion of the Tournament shall be as follows:




I.                     If two teams are tied in +/- points, the winner of the game between them is awarded the higher



II.                  If the two teams are still tied, the higher standing will be awarded to the team scoring the most goals in the round robin.


III.                If the two teams are still tied, the higher standing will be awarded to the team allowing the

least number of goals in the Round Robin portion of the Tournament.


IV.                If the two teams are still tied, the higher standing will be awarded to the team accumulating

the fewest penalty minutes in the Round Robin portion of the Tournament.


V.                  If the two teams are still tied, the higher standing will be determined by a coin toss.




I.                    If three or more are tied in points, the higher standing will be determined by goal differential, (goals minus goals against).  In calculating this differential, only the records of the tied teams in games against each other shall be considered.  The higher standing will be awarded to the team with the higher differential.  The second highest differential would get the next highest standing etc.


II.                  If the teams are still tied, the higher standing will be awarded to the team scoring the most goals in the round robin.


III.                If the teams are still tied, the higher standing will be awarded to the team allowing the least

number of goals in the Round Robin portion of the Tournament.  In calculating this total, only

the records of the tied teams in a game against each other shall be considered.  The second lowest

goals against would get the next highest standing etc.


IV.                If the teams are still tied, repeat steps I through III including the games against all teams.




If a Championship game is tied at the end of the regulation time, the following tie breaking formula will be used:


A.      5-minute straight time, 4 vs. 4, sudden death


B.      If still no winner determined, the Tournament Chair or his/her designate reserves the right to call extra overtime periods if the time permits.  If time does not permit, a shootout will take place, using one (1) goalie and three (3) shooters from each team.  Each one of the shooters will take alternate shots on the opposing goalie until each of the six (6) shooters has had their turn.  The team that scores the most goals will be declared the winner.  If still tied, the same players will each have a second shot on the opposing goalie.  This will continue until a winner is declared SUDDEN DEATH.




The team with the higher ranking after the tie breaking formulas are applied if needed.


**NOTE:  No time outs are permitted during Round Robin portion.  1-30 second time out permitted for

each team in Championship game.**

Jan 28, 2023